secret adj. 1.秘密的;机密的;隐秘的。 2.僻远的。 3.隐藏的;看不见的。 4.神秘的;奥妙的;不可思议的。 5.隐居的。 6.〔罕用语〕沉默寡言的。 a secret code 密码。 a secret door 暗门。 a secret errand 秘密差使。 a secret passage 秘密通道。 a secret valley 僻静的山谷,幽谷。 the secret workings of nature 鬼斧神工。 a secret passion [sorrow] 〔美学生语〕意中人。 be secret in one's habits 有一切喜欢背着人做的习惯。 keep (sth.) secret 保守(某事)秘密。 n. 1.秘密的事情;秘密;机密。 2.秘诀;隐蔽的真义。 3.〔pl.〕神秘;奇迹。 4.〔pl.〕秘处;阴部〔又称 secret parts〕。 an open secret 公开的秘密。 the secret of success 成功的秘诀。 be in the secret 知道秘密;知道内情;参与秘密。 in secret 秘密地;偷偷摸摸地。 keep a [the] secret (保)守秘密。 let out a secret 泄漏秘密。 let sb. into the secret 告诉秘密;传授秘诀。 make a [no] secret of 隐秘[不隐秘];把[不把]…保守秘密。 adv. -ly
I tried to devour my repentance and disgust in secret . 我竭力暗自吞咽我的后悔和憎恨。
He was really given in secret to this sort of brutality . 他生怕自己暗地里真的信奉上这种残暴行径了。
Some three or four hundred men were furnished with arms and from time to time were drilled in secret . 有三四百个人给配备了武器,常常秘密操练。
The old doctor in secret struggled to bring back his son, yet he himself was exhausted . 老迈的医生苦苦地挣扎着,想把孩子带回家,可他已经精疲力尽了。
Old osborne stood in secret terror of his son as a better gentleman than himself . 原来奥斯本老头儿暗暗地敬畏儿子,佩服他是有身份的上等人,比自己强。
What an event it was in the girl's lonely life to have gone in secret to a young man's room . 幽居独处的姑娘,居然偷偷地跑进一个青年的屋子,真是何等的大事。
The boasts were made in secret but the military moves that expressed these ambitions were plain to seen . 牛皮是秘密吹的,但表现这种狼子野心的军事行动是有目共睹的。
She used to read in secret and, though her memory was excellent, she abstained from showy reference . 她读书常常是偷偷进行的,虽然她的记忆力很好,但总是避免引章摘句。
No longer should power be centralized in the hands of presidential assistants acting in secret from the rest of the government . 权力不应再集中于撇开政府其他成员秘密办事的总统助理手中。
in secrecy; not openly; "met secretly to discuss the invasion plans"; "the children secretly went to the movies when they were supposed to be at the library"; "they arranged to meet in secret" 同义词:secretly, on the Q.T., on the QT, secretly, on the Q.T., on the QT,
in secrecy; not openly; "met secretly to discuss the invasion plans"; "the children secretly went to the movies when they were supposed to be at the library"; "they arranged to meet in secret" 同义词:secretly, on the Q.T., on the QT, secretly, on the Q.T., on the QT,